Smart maintenance.

railway maintenance

Based on smart data, we provide insight into the condition of your railway. This will help you optimise railway maintenance and extend the lifespan of the railway. Using our products you will be up-to-date on the condition of the railway in no time, so you can deploy mechanics at the right time. This saves time and money.

De voordelen

Realtime spoordata. Slim onderhoud

Onze data geeft realtime inzicht in de staat van jouw spoor. Zo verandert je werkwijze van reactief naar proactief. En gaan monteurs alleen op pad wanneer het echt nodig is.

The benefits

Railway data in
real time.

Reactive maintenance is a thing of the past, and lower operational maintenance costs are your future. Our sensors transmit the up-to-date status of the railway 24/7 and hundreds of times a day.

The benefits

Prevent extensive maintenance.

Better, faster and more efficient maintenance of the railway. This can be done with user-friendly analyses of the critical elements of your railway.

The benefits

Smart maintenance. When it’s necessary.

Our data provide insight into the up-to-date condition of the railway. Results? You will receive a warning if there are any problem sites. Ensure that all data can be reviewed at once using our user-friendly system, or receive input for your own asset management systems.

Future-proof railway.

Lower maintenance costs

Railways are seeing more train traffic. This means efficient railway maintenance that helps prevent malfunctions is required. Data and maintenance go hand in hand.

Our sensors report the condition of the railway, and you take the right measures on time. This is where reactive maintenance ends and proactive maintenance begins.

Your insight. Your savings.

Data-driven maintenance.


Rail 1435 has a lot of experience in the railway sector. They know what it's about, so problems need little explanation and they can actively contribute to finding solutions.

Jeffrey van Bezouw
Infraspeed Maintenance B.V.

Rail 1435 has a lot of experience in the railway sector. They know what it's about, so problems need little explanation and they can actively contribute to finding solutions.

Jeffrey van Bezouw
Infraspeed Maintenance B.V.

“On time and within budget, Rail 1435 made an important contribution to the successful conversion of the Amstelveen Line. This railway infrastructure consultancy is expert, sharp, financially aware and reliable.”

Ralf van Leeuwen
Design Manager, VITAL

“On time and within budget, Rail 1435 made an important contribution to the successful conversion of the Amstelveen Line. This railway infrastructure consultancy is expert, sharp, financially aware and reliable.”

Ralf van Leeuwen
Design Manager, VITAL

“On time and within budget, Rail 1435 made an important contribution to the successful conversion of the Amstelveen Line. This railway infrastructure consultancy is expert, sharp, financially aware and reliable.”

Ralf van Leeuwen
Design Manager, VITAL

“On time and within budget, Rail 1435 made an important contribution to the successful conversion of the Amstelveen Line. This railway infrastructure consultancy is expert, sharp, financially aware and reliable.”

Ralf van Leeuwen
Design Manager, VITAL

No-nonsense data.

Seamless Live Data Integration.

With more and more trains running on railways, efficient railway maintenance is absolutely vital. This helps prevent malfunctions. Railway monitoring can be done faster, smarter and cheaper.

Bring the railway directly to your desktop or control room with our sensors, so you can take the appropriate maintenance measures on time. Our user-friendly system provides insight into all data with the click of a mouse. Would you prefer to use your own asset management systems? We will make it happen.


Live railway data.

Smart maintenance.

Our mission? Advancing railway maintenance. Because it can be done smarter. Based on data, we provide insight into the condition of your railway. Our sensors optimise railway maintenance and extend the lifespan of the railway.


Successes from the field.


Would you like more insight too?

Get started today!

or call +31 343 743400